Canadian Tire Corporation

At Canadian Tire, as Product Content Specialist for the Digital Automotive Team, I had the opportunity to assist the team with their redesign and revamping of their UX and UI. I worked toward the continuous improvement of content, including graphics, on product display pages (PDPs) across Automotive, on the Canadian Tire Website. Also, assisted the UX and the Business Intelligence team in improving users’ experience and measurement of specific KPIs via building dashboards for certain product categories.

Canadian Tire Corp _ Sharon
The image above reflects the changes I made to Canadian Tire’s main homepage, the images used for different categories, the seo-rich content I contributed to product categories – wiper blades and brakes, the unique imager I contributed to the same in both English and French. The image you see with pointers is the first of its kind on the Canadian Tire Website. Further down, you’d notice the various logos I helped arrange for all Automotive products on the website.


My workflow involved a sequence of events, beginning with an analysis of products using dashboards on Google Data studio, after which, I looked into how best to improve the product’s content on the website which led me to interact with external and internal vendors for product photographs, edit them using Adobe Photoshop for the best styling and listing of product information on the graphic if required. Working on Product content also involved some SEO skills with regards to the description mentioned below each item under a specific Product class. Personally, I revised the content listed under the product category, Brakes.

I then had sessions with the User Experience team in conducting user tests. I created forms with the most apt and relevant questions on to gauge the best move forward for the Digital Design Team.

Furthermore, I used Adobe Experience Manager to upload nearly 50,000 product images that I had procured from vendors and colleagues from different departments in order to update products with relevant images as opposed to an outdated or low-resolution image. All this and more in a span of 3 months.

Canadian Tire - Desktop

One of the most noteworthy achievements at Canadian Tire would have to be the time I was awarded for my efforts which no co-op had ever received at a Townhall event. I was awarded the title ‘Auto Parts & Tech Quarterly Superstar – Transforming Automotive’ for having made a significant impact in my time working with Canadian Tire.

Most importantly, I acquired a good circle to stay connected with. I was very fortunate to have worked with some of the most knowledgeable, highly experienced individuals at Canadian Tire.

Tools used 

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Experience Manager

Google DataStudio

Adobe Analytics

User Testing

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